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This is a great blog post and I would recommend everyone to read and follow it. It's not that long but it gives a good summary about the story behind the plane. In this article, we have included an introduction to an informative and factual blog post about how Tom bought his beloved plane from Dickie Doolittle for $500. Tom thought he had made a smart purchase, but despite trying to do everything by the book with his new plane, he just couldn't seem to get it off the ground. Eventually, he gave up and sold it to Dickie Doolittle for $500. Tom wasn't the only owner of the plane. It was actually flown by sport pilot Darold Lusk in March 1974 when Darold crashed his plane at West Virginia in order to win the National Pylon Racing Competition in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Darold held the National Record for fastest speed when he set out to become the First Place winner of this competition. Tom wrote about Darold's crash in his blog post; "We sat down to chat with Darold after he'd gotten back from Pittsburg, he told us all about the crash and what really happened. It was really an interesting story." According to Tom, "A lot of people like Dickie Doolittle had worked very hard to make the plane look like new." When he gave his plane to Tom, he wanted it to be in the best possible condition; "I gave him $500 for it and had him put in a new engine. I took it up for its maiden flight and all seemed well except I only got it off the ground about 50 ft. It made a left turn and flipped inverted. The winds were coming from the South East, which was gusting at about 15-20 knots that day." After flipping his plane upside down, Tom crashed into a field full of cows. Despite the crash, he did not injure himself or any of the cows, but during the crash, one cow kicked open his canopy. When Tom told Dickie Doolittle about the crash, he offered to give him his plane back. However, Tom did not want to go through another incident like that again so he declined. He continued to fly with Dickie's plane until 1986 when it crashed for a second time at Alabama. The Cessna Crj200 series are twin engine aircrafts that have been in production since 1981 by Cessna Aircraft Company. Tom bought his plane in 1978 for $22,000 while it cost up to $30,000 at present day prices. During his first plane crash, Tom lost most of the plane's parts that he had replaced. He spent quite some time to find them all. However, he had to do quite a few modifications in order for his plane to fly again. Tom's plane is said to be one of the greatest planes created by Cessna. It is regarded as one of the safest planes in its class, especially when it comes to private commercial flights. Tom is not an expert on planes but he is an expert at flying them. He is a professional pilot who has flown across the United States multiple times and has also flown over several countries in Asia and Europe including Russia and China. cfa1e77820